Research Areas
The research in our laboratory is focused on understanding and controlling surface and interfacial chemistry and applying this knowledge to a range of problems in semiconductor processing, micro- and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, and sustainable and renewable energy. The role of interfaces becomes increasingly important as system dimensions are scaled downward. Much of our research aims to develop a molecular-level understanding in these systems, and hence the group uses a variety of molecular probes. Systems currently under study in our group include organic functionalization of semiconductor surfaces, mechanisms and control of atomic layer deposition, molecular layer deposition, area selective deposition processes, nanoscale materials for light absorption, interface engineering in photovoltaics, and catalyst and electrocatalyst synthesis and characterization.
To learn more about the different specific research areas in our group, click on the links for each area below:
Below is a video special of Professor Stacey Bent explaning the group's research
of nanotechnology in a video interview series done by the Stanford School of Engineering.
We also feature a whiteboard video summary of the group's research in sustainable energy technologies.
Professor Il-kwon Oh's work with the group on the decoration of semiconductors at the atomic scale using nanocrystals of zinc oxide grown on molybdenum disulfide was featured as part of the DOE's basic energy sciences highlights. Please find the highlight here
Our research was also featured on the podcast "Nanovation" by Professor Michael Filler. The
episode can be heard below where Professor Stacey Bent explains some of the group's research, atomic layer deposition (ALD),
and the exciting innovations it brings to the field of nanotechnology.
Listen to "32: Stacey Bent - A Ph.D. thesis in Russia" on Spreaker.
Acknowledgements and Funding
We acknowledge the following sources for funding:
- U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under Award No. DE-SC0004782.
- National Science Foundation (Grant No. CHE 1904108)
- U.S. Department of Energy, SUNCAT
- Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany 350 Research Award
- Lam Research
- Samsung